Savannah cat
Savannah cat is so lay back... anyway this is just our pet cat Tibby who is lying on the carpet sunning herself. Cannot imagine that she was so afraid to move about when she first arrived in Savannah. It must be the flight. First time she comes out of the house she has to fly 30 hours and changed 3 transits. No wonder she was shaken. But we think she is hardy as she turned around very fast. Only after 3 days, she is up and about. There are 2 dogs and a cat living at the house next to ours. They are quite friendly, but Tibby is a very shy cat. Whenever she smells them, she will rush under the bed. However when all is quite and still, she will take a silent peek by pushing the blinds away and sticking her head just to see who are outside. Cute!!!:)
tibby always looks good in her pics... in Savannah are there roaches for her to catch..?
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