Monday, May 08, 2006

PC Down!!!

My PC is running a fever since last Saturday... :( So I am blowing a fan at it to cool it down as much as possible. Will bring it to see a doctor at Sim Lim Sq maybe tomorrow!

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At 9:35 AM, Blogger Gerald de Dios said...

Don, you are an awesome artist! I just roamed San Francisco with your buddy Emil during Sketchcrawl. Amazing work on your website - all around. I definitely plan on checking out the Gnomon DVD's. Have you seen Erik Tiemens work? He's deciding on making on a few Gnomon DVD's in the future. I spoke to him at one of his art shows. To see these ILM guys work in person is mind blowing! Thier techniques are sooo amazing. So much to study from just one of thier paintings. Well, keep up the good work. I'll be sure to check out more of your work. Oh, congrats on your cover art. Cheers.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger dorcas said...

wahahaha...! my sympathies to your pc tho' i'm laughing as well, it's bcos i'm tickled pink by your drawing...heee...!


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