Thursday, December 14, 2006

Universal Studios - Orlando (Florida)

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Our first trip and our first "real" vacation (after 6 months staying in Savannah) to Universal Studio at Orlando Florida, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Besides, this was also our first time driving to another state after we got our Georgian driving license. Though it was only a 5-hour drive across I-95, our first time driving on the interstate was still an exciting experience, especially when the entire journey was made during the night. There were certain part of the highway that was not lit. We were almost driving in pitch black condition.

When we finally checked in to our hotel room, it was almost 3am in the morning. We headed straight to bed as the excitement of driving has exhausted us. After about 7 hours of sleep, we woke up refreshed in the late morning all ready for a great day ahead of us.

I think the pix will explained the fun we had. I am too lazy to describe them all. Link yourself here for the pictures:


The rides that I enjoyed most were, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, and the Double Dragon. They were roller coastal rides. I haven't had such fun since my Tokyo Disney trip almost 10 years ago. I brought my parents to Tokyo after I resigned from my first job, just to take a break. But instead of enjoying themselves, i think I have tired them out too much!! But it was still a great time out with my parents.

Anyway, Universal Studios was really unforgettable! Besides the company was fun too! Joy has about overcome her fear for the rides. Nat has all her fun screaming. For Kat and myself, we were enjoying ourselves to the full.

Now we are just looking forward to go Arkansas over Christmas!!


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